This is a place for your brain to have some fun or exercise -- a mental playground, or gym, or however you want to look at it. As our wise elders say, "Get out and play for an hour a day!" They are, of course, referring to this web site. So let your brain out so it can swing on the monkey bars already!
Why is it called "The Hacker Complex(tm)"?
IT'S NOT ABOUT BEING COMPLICATED. Instead, chew on these...
!) I've always had lots of great ideas, but trouble implementing them-- time, money, even skill and brains at times. Therefore I've always been a wannabe hacker, pining to join the 'l33t! So I have the "Hacker Complex"... but I'm okay with that now! Because what I excel at is inspiration: communicating enthusiasm, ideas, knowledge. So come join me! WANNABES WELCOME! If you just want to have a "virtual hacker" lifestyle, even if you feel you don't have the brains, come join the dang conga line already! C'mon, get happy!
@) Phew, all that enthusiasm wore me out. The second reason it's called "The Hacker Complex" (just pretend there's a (tm) from here on out, okay?) is because it's complex in the mathematical sense: it has both Real and Imaginary components. I (or we!) will talk about real hacks, such as building robots and automated antimacassars, and imaginary hacks, from I'll-never-afford-that hacks to pure mathematics to let's-build-a-wormhole hacks.
#) The third reason? It's because being a hacker, or wannabe hacker, an engineer, a scientist, an armchair rocketman-- it's all addictive. It gets in your blood, or it was always there to begin with. And that's another definition of "The Hacker Complex". When eating breakfast, you wonder if one could genetically engineer chickens to make bland egg whites salty from the start. Or if bread could be spread with a catalyst that would brown it into toast upon contact with air. Or you wonder if a fork could be improved with a microcontroller and a few servos. And so on.....
So enjoy the ride.
Bryan J. Lowder
P.S. Check out my buddy Alan's page at . It's so professional it goes beyond blog and e-zine to a journal. But the subject matter is just what the title says. The writing is absolutely top-notch. Alan and his minions are on the verge (and when I say "verge", I mean the advance has been payed and the manuscript is in final editing) of publishing a book, the "dead tree edition" of I am an occasional contributor to the web site, and have some mini-articles in the book.
P.P.S. This blog is about doing cool things with hardware and software. It is not about breaking into servers, cracking commercial software, writing viruses, or anything illegal, unethical, or immoral. This is hosted under the auspices of Google, and their motto is "Don't Be Evil."
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